About Us
The Express & Star was founded in Wolverhampton in the 1880s by the Scottish-American millionaire Andrew Carnegie and a group of radical Liberal Party members, including Thomas Graham.
Carnegie's aim was to campaign, through a string of regional daily newspapers, for the creation of a British Republic.
His dream was to sack the monarchy, scrap the House of Lords and destroy every vestige of privilege in the land.
By 1902 Carnegie had abandoned his mission and the newspaper was subsequently owned by the Graham family.
In the 1980s it paved the way for the computer revolution in the British newspaper industry and has remained in the forefront of publishing technology.
The Express & Star has steadily overtaken its rivals to become the biggest-selling regional evening newspaper in Britain.
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Our websites
ExpressandStar.com is part of the National World plc group of companies.
Daily titles:
Online services:
West Midlands featured businesses
Weekly titles:
South Shropshire Journals - incorporating Mid Wales Journal and South Shropshire Journal
Precision Colour Printing:
Precision Colour Printing, commercial web offset printers with an established reputation for producing high quality magazines, catalogues, newspapers and comics.
They have almost 30 years experience at the forefront of the printing world which has led to them being named PrintWeek's Consumer Magazine and Catalogue Printer of the year.