Express & Star

Dudley Canal & Caverns receives community and education grant

Dudley Canal & Caverns is excited to announce important grant funding from the Richardson Brothers Foundation. The grant, will enable the further development and support of two community engagement projects Tunnel Tots & Chit Chat. Tunnel Tots aims to engage families and toddlers with Canals and conservation from an early age.

By contributor Paul Crofts
Last updated
Dudley Canal & Caverns Chief Exec Paul Crofts, receives grant from Jan Jennings, Richardson Brothers Foundation
Dudley Canal & Caverns Chief Exec Paul Crofts, receives grant from Jan Jennings, Richardson Brothers Foundation

Running every Wednesday, Toddlers and their adults take a short boat trip through the tunnels, hearing songs, reading stories and enjoying nursery rhymes. Chit Chat engages the local community in companionship, over hot drinks every Thursday up to 45 people enjoy the Trust's Gongoozler cafe, catching up and enjoying local interest talks. This exciting funding will allow Dudley Canal & Caverns to refresh resources and continue to largely subsidise both events. 

Jan Jennings, on behalf of the Richardson Brothers Foundation, said: “The Richardson Brothers Foundation is delighted to support the Dudley Canal & Caverns with their amazing work in the local community. Their vision to reach different groups through Chit Chat and Tunnel Tots will make such a positive impact to so many local people. We’re very pleased that our donation will help with these important projects.”

Paul Crofts, Chief Executive of Dudley Canal & Caverns said: "We're incredible grateful to the Richardson Brothers Foundation, this grant funding is an exciting opportunity for us to grow and support our engagement with the local community; Tunnel Tots and Chit Chat are popular weekly events, and we're pleased that this generous grant will allow us to continue this work".

Dudley Canal & Caverns Chief Exec and Erin Hardy Content Coordinator, show Jan Jennings, Richardson Brothers Foundation the Canal Tunnel entrance
Dudley Canal & Caverns Chief Exec and Erin Hardy Content Coordinator, show Jan Jennings, Richardson Brothers Foundation the Canal Tunnel entrance

About Dudley Canal & Caverns

Dudley Canal & Caverns is a registered charity committed to the preservation and development of the unique geological and socially historic environment. Engaging the wider public with it to ensure it holds a special place in the hearts and minds of future generations. Travelling back over 420 million years, the Trust takes visitors on a time travelling experience in to the deep caverns and tunnel under Dudley. You never know what's beneath your feet.

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