Express & Star

Campaigners submit 5,000-strong petition to council against privatisation of Dudley leisure centres

Following two successful lobbies of the council and protests against the bidders, on Friday campaigners submitted the 5,000-signature petition opposing the privatisation of the leisure centres and demanding that the leisure centres continue to be directly run for the benefit of our communities, supported by the Labour Group and the Unity Group.

By contributor Hugh Wilkinson
Last updated
On Friday, campaigners handed in the petition at Dudley Council House
On Friday, campaigners handed in the petition at Dudley Council House

They highlighted the issues that privatisation could bring: higher prices for users, lower pay and reduced conditions for staff, and an end to free swimming in Dudley – as well as an uncertain future for the Crystal Leisure Centre. The Crystal badly needs investment, including a new roof – an unappealing prospect for any private firm.

Cllr Pete Lowe, leader of Dudley Labour Group said he was "proud to support not just keeping our leisure centres open, but public". Previously, he has stated: “We firmly believe that these services are best maintained as a council service, and we will fight to keep them public and open. Our communities deserve access to leisure provision, and it would be wholly inappropriate that they are asked to pay the price for Tory financial incompetence by having their service decimated. We are clear in our stance. Any scheme that threatens to undermine the terms and conditions of our dedicated workforce will be opposed. We need a workforce that feels valued and supported.”

Cllr Ryan Priest, leader of the Unity Group, said: “The Unity Group has supported this campaign from its early stages to keep leisure centres within council control. We believe that councils are best placed to run leisure centres that are inclusive and open to all at the heart of the community, and where staff feel confident that their pay and conditions are safeguarded." 

Campaigners at Dudley Council House on Friday
Campaigners at Dudley Council House on Friday

Cllr Andrew Tromans commented on the proposals: “Leisure centres are so important for everyone's health and well being -- I see the benefits the Crystal brings to my residents every day. Privatisation is likely to lead to higher charges, with the poorest unable to benefit from these vital services, whilst staff see their pay and conditions eroded. Frankly, Dudley deserves better.”

The Campaign plans to lobby the council and support the petition on Monday, 3 March at 5.15pm, Dudley Council House.

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