January can be a difficult month for young people
Matthew Brookes, Team Manager for Childline Birmingham, reminds children and young people they are not alone and how to get support.

January can be a difficult month for many people across the UK and here at Childline thousands of children reach out to us all year to discuss their loneliness.
In the last year, the NSPCC service has delivered almost 5,000 counselling sessions related to this subject, both online and over the phone from 13 bases across the country.
Many children and young people said they felt lonely due to moving house or school and having to make new friends or their parents working long hours. Others said they were being bullied by their peers, and some said it was because they saw their friends having fun on social media and felt as though they were missing out.
We want to remind children and young people that they are not alone, and if they feel this way they can reach out to trusted family and friends Childline is also there to provide help and support 24/7, free and in confidence. They can call 0800 1111 and speak to a counsellor over the phone or visit the website at childline.org.uk.
We also have tips for adults to support children and young people who may be struggling. Visit nspcc.org.uk and search for ‘loneliness’.