Carols and cheer for Staffs WI
It doesn't matter how many carol services you go to, whilst every one gives the same message, each one is unique.

The Staffordshire Federation of Women's Institutes Carol Service at St Mary's Collegiate Church, Stafford this year gave the story of the Nativity to WI members, guests and dignitaries in its own style. Readings and Carols, together with beautiful pieces by Broughton WI Choir, directed by Martin Jones and accompanied by Margaret Outen uplifted the congregation. There were home-made mince-pies and hot drinks after the service which helped make the whole occasion a feel-good start to the Christmas period.
Julia Mitchell, High Sheriff of Staffordshire, Councillor Frank James, Mayor of Stafford and Councillor Phil Hewitt, Chair of Staffordshire County Council were amongst those who attended the service.
The Rector of Stafford, Prebendary Richard Grigson gave a warm welcome to everyone and acknowledged the work of over 3.000 WI members across Staffordshire. His message of Hope and Peace is just as relevant today as it was at the time of the Nativity.

Helen Mancey, Chair of Staffordshire Federation of Women's Institutes took the opportunity, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, to wish everyone a happy and healthy Christmas and best wishes for the year ahead.