Staffs WI's unique Christmas tree message
The traditional angel at the top of a Christmas tree was replaced by tooth fairies on the Staffordshire Women's Institutes tree at the Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary's Church, Stafford.

The tree was decorated with handmade bags containing toothbrushes and toothpaste with messages about dental health. There were toothbrushes and toothpaste give-aways, too - to encourage people to think about their own dental health.
Helen Mancey, Federation Chair, explained: "The current National Campaign by the Women's Institute is Dental Health Matters. Staffordshire Federation felt that the Christmas Tree Festival was a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness of the issues of poor dental hygiene which often results in serious health issues such as heart disease.
"It is shocking to know that tooth decay is the main reason for children to be admitted to hospital.

"The WI is also lobbying the government to review the way that dentists offer appointments under the NHS to allow everyone to have access to affordable treatment."

Helen added: "I am so grateful to - and proud of - Staffordshire WI members who have donated dental products to allow this important subject to be highlighted to the thousands of visitors to this fabulous event that has 100 decorated trees."
For more information on the campaign work of the WI visit and to find out about Staffordshire Federation of Women's Institutes, visit where there is a link to their Facebook page.