Express & Star

First baby born at new hospital lights up Christmas tree

The first baby born at the UK’s newest hospital was invited back with her parents to see the official Christmas lights switch on at the healthcare facility.

By contributor Anuji Evans
Last updated
The parents of Hernata and her brother at the Christmas lights switch on at the Midland Metropolitan University Hospital.
The parents of Hernata and her brother at the Christmas lights switch on at the Midland Metropolitan University Hospital.

Little Hernata, who’s was initially named Mona Lisa, and her parents Semhur Tesfu and Yonas Kflu pressed the red button to officially light up the two 20ft Christmas trees standing tall on Level 5 at the Midland Metropolitan University Hospital.

The newborn was the first to be delivered at the hospital when it opened to maternity patients on 6 November.

Speaking at the event, Richard said: “I am proud to be here today to create another first in the history of the Midland Met.

“As we switch on the Christmas lights here in the main atrium, that act becomes another in the long list of firsts. Many of you will know about our first patient Donna – transferred into a ward above us on our first move day on 6 October.

“Some of you will all have your own personal firsts to remember. For me, this first is poignant, and one I am pleased to take part in.

“From here we will proudly serve our communities for many years to come, and as the wider Midland Met site continues to develop – with our new university campus – another first for the borough of Sandwell – due to open next year.

“It is a great pleasure to be joined by a family we have cared for, representative of all those to come and significant in the history of the Midland Met, Semhur Tesfu and Yonas Kflu and their daughter Hernata – the first baby born here at Midland Met on 6 November.”

Semhar added: “It’s lovely to be invited back to see such a wonderful moment. We can show photographs to Hernata when she’s older so she can see how her birth was an historical moment which means that we have a strong tie to this new hospital.

“She is doing really well and we are enjoying parenthood.”

Also performing at the event was Amira Goldie, the winner Sandwell Shape, and a choir from local churches.