WI treated to a 'polished performance' by handbell ringers
The Gnosall Handbell Ringers were playing at their home venue this week, entertaining the Castleton Group meeting of WI members and visitors.

The event at Gnosall's Grosvenor Community Centre was hosted by Moreton, Outwoods & Bromstead Women's Institute. The handbell ringers at Gnosall have been playing since 1973 and it was a polished performance with music from well-loved shows, classics and carols.
It was explained that the 95 bells needed a minimum of 11 ringers and that there was no requirement to be able to read music - ably demonstrated during audience participation.
Staffordshire Federation of Women's Institutes Trustee, Karen Sulway, gave a short talk on the positive influence that the WI has through its campaigning work - the WI is the largest women's organisation in England, Wales and The Islands with over 220,000 members. Details of events planned by the Federation were given which are all designed to bring ladies of any age together for friendship, education and fun.
Delicious refreshments were provided by the host institute, catering for all dietary requirements.
Moreton, Outwoods & Bromstead WI's Jill Boulton has put together a programme of events for 2025 and is looking forward to welcoming visitors to their meetings at the Moreton Millennium Community Centre (TF9 4AT) on the second Tuesday of the month, 2pm during the winter and 7.30pm in the summer.
For more information on Moreton, Outwoods & Bromstead WI, contact Jill on jill.boulton@hotmail.com, and for information on the Gnosall Handbell Ringers, contact Bettina Henderson bettina.henderson@btinternet.com.