Express & Star

Staffordshire WIs fight for dragonflies!

The plight of dragonflies was highlighted during the Women's Institute Week of River Action by members of Anslow WI and Rolleston WI along the Alder Brook - which takes overflow from the River Dove.

Rolleston WI with a crafted dragonfly. Photo: supplied

Dragonfly larvae are killed by pollution in rivers and the Rivers Trust say that there is no stretch of river in England that is in good overall health.

Without positive action soon, dragonflies may become just a memory.

Jabob Collier MP supported the event and will be adding his voice to those WI members across the country for a clean-up of rivers for people and wildlife.

This is a campaign that WI members are passionate about for the environment, wildlife and the sake of future generations.

Launched in 2023, the WI's Clean Rivers campaign seeks to tackle river pollution from key sources such as sewage run-off and industrial agriculture, in particular through promoting bathing water designation.

Earlier this month, the Government announced plans for a comprehensive review of our water system. The review is set to pave the way for transformative legislation that could be a game-changer for our rivers and waterways.

This win is the result of relentless efforts by a broad coalition of campaigners, including WI members and supporters.

Jacob Collier MP with Anslow WI members. Photo: supplied

On Saturday 26 October, WI members will join a coalition of charities and campaigners to march through Westminster to keep pressure on the Government to tackle the water pollution crisis once and for all.

The Clean Rivers campaign is one of many campaigns actively supported by WI members - their proud history going back over 100 years.

Rolleston WI's message. Photo: supplied

For more information on the Women's Institutes campaign work go to and to find out about Staffordshire Women's Institutes, visit where there is a link to their Facebook page.

By Karen Sulway - Contributor

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