Express & Star

Would you like to be an explorer? Opportunities for 14 to 17 year olds

Do you know someone aged between 14 and 17 and who would like to learn skills for life? Birmingham Scouts are holding a taster session for young people aged 14 to 17 so they can find out more about what Explorer Scouts do.

Working as a team. Photo: The Scouts

Activities Explorer Scouts get up to include abseiling to cooking, geocaching to map reading and pioneering to water activities. A taster session is being held on Monday, 7 October from 8.15pm to 9.45pm. It is being held at Quinton Scout Headquarters, 400 Ridgeacre Road, Birmingham, B32 1AS (What3words: steps.junior.labs). To register interest in the taster session, please email with your name and contact details.

Scouting provides over 250 activities for children and young people. It also gives them opportunities to learn and develop skills for life. These include independence, leadership, problem solving, self-confidence, social skills and teamwork. In a recent survey, 90 per cent of parents thought their children would benefit from learning skills for life. In another survey, 88 per cent of Scouts said they had tried activities in Scouts they had never done before.

Birmingham Scouts are also looking for additional volunteers to support the Explorer Unit. This could be working directly with the teenagers, or as a Trustee, or doing some work in the background which might be IT, administration or fund raising to name but a few.

Volunteer Janice said, “Come along and find out more about what Explorer Scouts get up to. This is a great opportunity for young people to learn and develop skills along with having fun and doing activities they have not done before. For adults it’s a great opportunity to share their knowledge, hobbies and skills and to help young people develop.”

By Nigel Taylor - Contributor