Express & Star

Celebrating success at Aldersley High

Students at Aldersley High School are celebrating their GCSE results day, showing great grit and resilience to achieve excellence in their studies.

Celebrating together with great results. Photo: Aldersley High School

The school is exceptionally proud of the efforts of its Year 11 cohort, who managed to see off the challenges of a pandemic and the disruption that it caused to their educations to complete their programme of studies with distinction. The staff of the school wanted to share their best wishes on this important day in the young lives of the students.

Particularly successful were Jessica, who achieved 7 Grade 8 and Grade 9s, Taleah, who achieved 6 of these top grades, and Kane, who achieved 7, including across all of his core subjects. To have achieved so highly despite challenges of recent years is incredibly impressive, and staff celebrated with the students when they received their results today.

Alan Brooks, Deputy Headteacher, said, “These students have not had it easy, but they have done themselves proud. Our whole school community has pulled together to ensure that students were well-supported, and they took their exams incredibly seriously. On behalf of the school, I thank them for their efforts and wish them all the best for the future.”

Celebrating a fantastic set of results! Photo: Aldersley High School

The students will now go onto a range of destinations, including apprenticeships, colleges and employment, supported by the school’s extensive careers programme. Many, though, will remain with the school as part of Amethyst Sixth, the joint Sixth Form between Aldersley and Moreton School, which is housed in a state-of-the-art building on the site.

By Paul Martin - Contributor

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