Express & Star

Staffs WI support emerging music talent and enjoy an uplifting afternoon

St Mary's Collegiate Church, Stafford was the venue for the second summer concert organised by the Staffordshire Federation of Women's Institutes.

Mary Cooke, Harry Raybould, Helen and Julia Mitchell. Photo: SWFI

Music was provided by Harry Raybould, a pianist who was a student of the Royal College of Music in Manchester and now studies at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

His eclectic programme featured classical favourites by Beethoven, Debussy, Chopin and Rachmaninov as well as popular music of Gershwin and jazz by Chick Corea.

St Mary's Church was a perfect setting for the concert and the acoustics enhanced the quality of the performance.

Mary Cooke, Chair of the Federation's Leisure & Pleasure Committee said: "Harry is such a talented musician and it has been wonderful to be able to bring together over 80 WI members to support him. He is bound to have a successful career ahead of him."

Helen Mancey, Chair of the Staffordshire Federation of Women's Institutes added: "Our Summer Concerts are so well supported and enjoyed. It was lovely to be able to welcome Harry's parents to this well attended concert along with Julia Mitchell, High Sheriff of Staffordshire for a truly uplifting afternoon. We wish Harry good luck in his career."

Harry Raybould in St Mary's Church. Photo: SFWI

For more information about Staffordshire Federation of Women's Institutes, go to where there is a link to their Facebook page - or scan the QR code.

Scan the SFWI's QR code

By Karen Sulway - Contributor

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