'On the Buses Wolverhampton': WI hear tales from former female bus conductor
The speaker at Cannock WI’s July meeting was Margaret Smallman who shared stories of her time as a conductor on trolley buses in and around Wolverhampton. Margaret has a fund of entertaining tales ranging from marriage proposals, to a birth on the bus, to a death, and everything in between.
The bus company was one of the very few organisations in those times that paid women the same salary as men which was of particular interest to us as WI members as it was a topic that had been the subject of a national WI campaign at around that time. Margaret had us laughing at her antics for most of the morning and very kindly judged our competition which was “Overheard on a Bus”, won by member Sandie Withington, and far too racy to repeat here!
Some WI business followed and we were told about the various activities and trips arranged for the coming months and heard a glowing report of the short holiday in Devon arranged by Barbara, our social secretary, and much enjoyed by members who went. There were also congratulations offered to our quiz team who had managed to come joint fifth, out of 62 teams, at the SFWI County quiz. Eggheads, anyone?!
Next month’s meeting is on 8 August and members have been invited to bring their teddy bears to WI for a Teddy Bears Picnic. Entertainment includes a bear-based quiz, and teddy competitions.
WI always welcomes visitors to discover more about us on the second Thursday of each month at St Luke’s Church Hall. Meetings begin at 10.30am with refreshments, followed by a speaker, practical demonstration, or an activity and usually ends with a raffle. We also have regular informal coffee meet ups on the fourth Thursday of the month; held at The Barns, Huntington at 11am. This is open to anyone who wishes to join in.
Details can be found on our Facebook page or by contacting Staffordshire Federation of Women’s Institutes.
For further information about Cannock WI, email: cannockwi@gmail.com, visit thewi.org.uk/staffordshire or facebook.com/oakleafstlukes.
By Elaine Smith - Contributor