‘Work hard, play hard’ is the secret to living a long life, according to 104-year-old
A resident at a care home in Shrewsbury gave valuable life advice as she toasted a special milestone.
Shelah Swift celebrated her 104th birthday in style at Care UK’s Oxbow Manor, on Oteley Road, on 16 June, and shared her secret to living a long life – work hard, to play hard.
Shelah was born near Lichfield on 16 June, 1920 and emigrated to Canada as a child with her parents. During her teenage years, Shelah and her family returned to the UK and bought a farm.
Working hard from a young age, Shelah has always loved numbers and maths, and went on to study the subject in college – getting her first job changing currency in Westminster. In her early 20’s Shelah married her husband Les, who was in the RAF during World War Two.
On the big day, the team at Oxbow Manor adorned the home with balloons and banners, complete with a birthday cake specially prepared by the Head Chef.
Shelah said: “I’m very happy with the efforts made for my special day and want to share my cake with everyone.”
She added: “My advice for the younger generation is to ensure you listen, observe and respect the older generation.”
Lindsey Quegan, Home Manager at Oxbow Manor, said: “It was an honour to celebrate Shelah’s birthday with her. She is a beloved resident at Oxbow Manor, and we all had a lovely time acknowledging this tremendous milestone.
“Everything we do centres around supporting residents to live fulfilling lives, which is why we are always eager to mark special occasions. Shelah’s 104th birthday was no exception, and it was a delight to hear her sound advice for living a long and happy life.”
Oxbow Manor is a state-of-the-art care home which provides full-time residential, nursing and dementia care, as well as short-term respite care. Designed to enable residents to live enjoyable and fulfilling lives, the home has its very own cinema, café and hair salon, and there is plenty of space – both indoors and out – for relaxation and recreation.
To find out more about Oxbow Manor, please contact Customer Relations Manager, Ann Rose on 01743 598505, email ann.rose@careuk.com or visit careuk.com/oxbow-manor.
By Ellen Lovatt - Contributor