Express & Star

Elvis impersonator is all shook up

The quiff, the sparkly jumpsuits and the curled lip – there is no mistaking the inspiration in this Black Country household.


Gordon Elvis lives and breathes all things Elvis Presley. And the 28-year-old is now All Shook Up after winning the chance to live a lifelong dream by visiting Graceland, home of the King.

Gordon moved from his native Malta to Tamworth and then Bilston three years ago to become a full-time Elvis impersonator.

He has just won the People's Choice category at the Images of the King contest in Porthcawl in South Wales, beating 25 other Elvis imitators.

Gordon, who did not want to reveal his original birth name, is the proud owner of 35 different outfits in the style of the King, ranging from 1950s leather to his latter day sequin jumpsuits.

His prize is a trip to Memphis in Tennessee to compete in the Ultimate Elvis contest, during Elvis Week in August.

He had spent a number of years on the island of Malta singing from time to time in hotels and bars.

Gordon said: "The work is very different there, it's a small island so it would only really be for the tourists. I did karaoke and people were encouraging me.

"A guy in a karaoke bar was saying I should impersonate Elvis for a living and I thought, why not?

"So in 2009 I decided to come to the UK and I competed in a contest in Porthcawl in Wales. I won that and I decided I would stay and see how it went."

Gordon left behind his job as a beer keg delivery driver in sunny Malta to live full- time in England and use his gift for impersonating Presley.

He said: "There's more of an opportunity over here.

"I came to Tamworth where some friends were living and then after a month I needed my own place and ended up in Bilston.

"My mum and dad are big Elvis fans. I grew up listening to Elvis.

"When I was three years old I would listen to him and my leg would start shaking in time to the music. It's my dream to go to Graceland."

Gordon began dressing up and impersonating Elvis aged just four years old.

Gordon added: "My friends in Tamworth are English. They used to come to watch me. They said I could come and stay for a month with them and that's where it all started for me.

"I've just started out with a band as well and we've done three shows together. I'd normally work with a backing track before."

Gordon's home in Wallace Road is a shrine to the King and his wardrobe is full of a costume department's worth of outfits.

While he sings the classics, like Suspicious Minds, The Wonder Of You and Blue Suede Shoes, he prefers some of the King's lesser known songs, such as The Sound Of Your Cry. "Every artist has songs that people don't know very well because they didn't get played as much on the radio as the big hits and Elvis was no exception," said Gordon.

He performs around twice a week and recently started working with a group on a regular basis, called The Heartbreak Band.

He has made it to the finals of various competitions to find the best Elvis impersonator.

Gordon came third in the European Elvis Championship 2012, third in the Images Of The King Contest 2011 and second in the Elvis World Cup 2010.

He won the Best Festival Elvis 2009 that was held in Porthcawl, Wales, having been chosen as the best '68 Comeback Special artist.

Gordon will now travel to Memphis for the 26th annual Images of the King competition between August 15 and 19.

It was started in America by fans of the King as a way of recognising the "Elvis tribute artist community".

The competition draws in contestants from all over the world.

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