Killer thief showed ‘contempt’ for delivery driver’s life, court hears
Leeds Crown Court has heard Mark Ross hit speeds of almost 60mph on residential streets.

A thief who killed an Amazon delivery driver who was trying to stop his van from being stolen showed “complete disregard and even contempt for his life”, jurors have been told.
Claudiu Carol-Kondor, 42, died from crush injuries after Mark Ross, 32, stole his van while the victim was delivering parcels in Leeds on August 20 last year, and hit two parked cars at speed.
Leeds Crown Court has heard Ross hit speeds of almost 60mph on residential streets and swerved erratically from side to side before hitting stationary Minis.

Prosecutors say the defendant was trying to “get rid” of Mr Kondor as he hung onto the van from the open passenger door.
Ross has admitted manslaughter but denies murdering Mr Kondor, saying he was unaware of him hanging onto the van, jurors have been told.
In his closing speech to the jury, John Harrison KC, prosecuting, said the driver “lost his life after this defendant showed, you may think, a complete disregard, even contempt, for Mr Kondor’s safety and his life”.
Mr Harrison said the “career criminal” must have realised Mr Kondor, who was wearing a high-viz jacket, was there, but made the choice that the driver was “expendable”.
Simon Kealey KC, defending, reminded jurors that Ross had told them when he gave evidence from the witness box: “I would have stopped the van and run off if I had known he was there.”
Mr Kealey said Ross admitted stealing vans previously, but said he had “never been involved in anything like this before”.
Ross, of Conference Road, Armley, said he had been smoking cannabis that day and was out that evening to buy more.
The jury began their deliberations on Tuesday lunchtime and Mr Justice Goss sent them home to continue on Wednesday morning.