Express & Star

Families bowled over by club's 125th anniversary party

Scores of families took to the crease at a celebration open evening to mark the 125th anniversary of Codsall Cricket Club


Many took the opportunity to sign up for youth teams based a the ground behind the village hall in Wolverhampton Road, Codsall.

Attractions included a bouncy castle, pizza, games while guests included South Staffordshire MP Sir Gavin Williamson who joined in with game of cricket at the event held on Friday night.

Rob Evans, committee member, said club members were delighted with the turn out following an appeal to parents to register their fives to 15-year-olds for the youth teams.

"The opening evening went really well. We were really busy all night.In the end we had about 100 juniors and many families turning up.

"Sir Gavin came along and took part in a game and really enjoyed himself. The event was held to mark the club's 125th birthday and to raise awareness of the sport and the teams we run, particularly for the youngsters," Mr Evans said.

Codsall operates two girls teams, under nines to under 15 teams, three adult teams which includes its new transitioning side and there are with plans in hand to launch a ladies team. The teams play in the South Staffordshire Cricket League divisions four, six and eight and with the support of qualified coaches.

"Since lockdown the junior section has doubled in number. We had parents bringing the children through the gates to get them out of the house and into the outdoors. Some parents have also returned to the game after many years away.

"As a result we have enough people to field all three teams. Cricket is not dying for us and there's real enthusiasm for the sport," Mr Evans added.

Matches are played on Saturdays from midday and the clubhouse has a bar and tuck shop facilities.