Express & Star

The timeline of the ticketing fiasco rocking Molineux

After season ticket price hikes across the board, Wolves came in for plenty of criticism.

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As supporters were emailed with their renewal prices on Thursday morning, anger began to filter out at the huge increases.

Here, we round-up a tumultuous day for Wolves and take a look at what may happen next.

What were the rises?

Adults in the North Bank and South Bank are now paying £735, a 17.6 per cent rise, while fans in the Steve Bull stand saw a 15.6 per cent rise to £835.

Adults in the ‘wings’ of the Billy Wright upper will now pay £875, while fans in the centre of that stand will pay a huge £939.

Under-14s in the Billy Wright upper ‘wings’ will now pay £290, a 176 per cent increase.

In the Billy Wright lower, Molineux’s family enclosure, adults have been hit with a 22.8 per cent rise to £780, under-21s an increase of 46.6 per cent to £560, while under-14s have been hit with a 133.3 per cent rise from £105 to £245.

What did Wolves say?

Chairman Jeff Shi released an open letter to supporters in the season ticket email, in which he outlined the reasons for the price increases.