Express & Star

Dave Edwards: It’s up to Wolves to show gulf in quality at West Brom

This weekend’s Black Country derby is a huge game and one that Wolves’ players will be buzzing to be a part of.

Gary O’Neil must ensure his players are up for the fixture but still playing the game, rather than the occasion

These games are something you really look forward to, I know Wolves have only just got through the Brentford tie, but it would have been in their minds as soon as the draw was made.

I was the same when I was at the club, when there was a game against West Brom coming up. Normally as a footballer, you are focused on the next game, but that was one where you think a little bit further ahead.

You would know you would need to be in good form, you would need to be fit and healthy and be in the best position possible to be selected for that game.

The players will be desperate to be in the team on Sunday as they will have heard about what the atmosphere is like in games like these.

It has been so long since the fans have been in the stadium watching a Black Country derby, it makes it even more special. There were the Covid games, but not many people will remember them because of the situation.