Express & Star

Wolves announce season ticket prices for 2022/23 campaign

Adult season ticket holders will see an average price increase of £46 while over-65s will see an average increase of £63.50 as Wolves announce their season ticket prices for the 2022/23 season.

Last updated

The biggest increase for adult tickets will be for those in the upper centre of the Billy Wright stand, as their season ticket will now cost £786, compared to £733 for this season. The smallest increase for adults is £41 in the Stan Cullis and Sir Jack Hayward Stands – with tickets now costing £590.

For over-65s, the biggest increase comes in at £69 in the Stan Cullis and Sir Jack Hayward Stands. Those fans have seen the sharpest rise across the board as Wolves have taken a two-year step approach to bringing over-65 tickets to 70 per cent of the adult prices, which is the average across the Premier League. It previously stood at 53 per cent two years ago.

Last season over-65s in the central area of the Billy Wright Stand upper saw a jump of £104 – this year it is £52.

Prices across the board for under-17s have increased from £180 to £199 and from £85 to £99 for under-12s.

However, Wolves have also introduced a new age bracket for those aged 18-21 and prices have been frozen from this season for those supporters.

The average price per game increase is £2.30 and across the board there has been an approximate average increase of seven per cent on season ticket prices as Wolves look to align their prices with clubs around them, such as Villa, Newcastle, Leicester and Brighton.

Those supporters that are owed a refund for the Europa League tie against Olympiacos, that was played behind closed doors, will now see that money be automatically deducted from the price of their 2022/23 season ticket renewal.

Due to Wolves' established Premier League status, they have been working to align season ticket prices with their peers around mid-table.

However, they have also introduced a number of initiatives that they hope will help with affordability, as supporters battle with the rising cost of living.

The direct debit option has been extended from six months to nine months, while Wolves have also removed the one-off £20 direct debit fee.

Admin fees have also been removed for season tickets and home match tickets, which were £6 for season tickets and 50p for match tickets last season


The refund for ticket resale has now increased from 50 per cent to 80 per cent of the pro-rata value. Previously that money was only refunded in Wolves Cash, but fans will now have the option to take that refund in cash.

For home games the club is now introducing category C games, when previously they only had category A and B games. The new C games will be those fixtures when home fans are in the Steve Bull lower and visiting supporters come in fewer numbers and take up the quadrant in the Stan Cullis Stand.

Finally, Wolves have introduced a ballot for away games. For Premier League matches, 5 per cent of the allocation will be made available as a ballot. All season ticket holders will be able to apply.

The club will shortly be sending emails to all season ticket holders with the details of their renewals and they have until June 8 to renew. Fans can also use any Wolves Cash they have towards their renewal.