Express & Star

Tony Daley happy with Wolves fitness

Fitness coach Tony Daley has given the Wolves squad the thumbs-up after a series of punishing tests.


Fitness coach Tony Daley has given the Wolves squad the thumbs-up after a series of punishing tests.

The players were put through their paces yesterday, starting with a pre-breakfast 'yo-yo' test which measures speed endurance.

From there it was on to core strengthening work, running and, finally, some football before finishing with more running.

Daley said: "All the players got to the levels we were hoping they would be at reporting back, which is good news because it means training can be kicked on, in terms of the football work as well.

"The sports medical department had a level we wanted the players to reach and we're happy with the scores that have come back."

Midfielder David Edwards tweeted: "Can't believe we did four sessions today and the same again tomorrow. Gonna need my sleep!

"Run, weights, core, run, then probably another run!"

Daley added: "We'll do the VO2 max test back at Compton next week which looks at the endurance capacity of players.

"But we've done the yo-yo test which is a good one because it's football-related.

"It's more like a recovery test, looking at players' ability to stop and start.

"It starts off quite slow and then starts to pick up really quickly and the players have to keep to the recognised speeds and then recover quickly to go again.

"It's very different to the 'bleep test' which is the equivalent of the V02 max test really in terms of looking at endurance.

"This one is more about speed endurance and how well the players are able to recover and is more designed for sport."

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