Express & Star

Walsall targeting autumn return – with supporters

Walsall are hoping to start the 2020/21 League Two season in September – and with fans cheering on Darrell Clarke’s side at the Banks’s Stadium.


The 19/20 campaign was finally curtailed earlier this week due to the coronavirus outbreak, and now the Saddlers are putting plans in place for next term.

And club chief executive Stefan Gamble wants to get back going in September, with at least some supporters in the ground – although it hinges on a government go-ahead.

“There have been a number of discussions which are ongoing,” said Gamble.

“Everything is obviously reliant on government support but we’re working towards an early September start. With a fair wind, we think that’s achievable – the stadium will certainly be ready, as will the training ground and the offices.

“We just need the green light to go ahead and start football again, and we’d like to start football with crowds inside the stadium.

“It may be a limited crowd, it would be a Covid-safe crowd, but that’s what we’re working


“We feel really strongly that behind-closed-doors isn’t really what supporters want.

“We’ve all missed football for long enough now and would like to see live football, and the players want to play in front of crowds.

“We’re very hopeful that in early to mid-September, we can get the 20/21 season up and running, with a crowd of sorts inside the stadium.

“We do have capacity and we’re hopeful – if given the green light by the government – that everyone wanting to watch Walsall next season can do so, and hopefully from as early as September.

“It’s a watching brief at the moment for us. Everything will be put in place. We just need the green light to do it.”

Gamble was speaking as part of a fans’ update with chairman Leigh Pomlett and secretary Dan Mole.

It was also stated that the Saddlers, although they want to restart in September, have budgeted for an October resumption.

A new kit should be unveiled ‘in the coming weeks’ while a planned pre-season trip to Poland has had to be cancelled.

Chairman Pomlett also reiterated his goal for next term – promotion to League One.

“I think we’ll be extremely competitive. With Darrell and Brian (Dutton) and all those guys, I think we’ve got a real chance. Bring it on,” added Pomlett.

“Me and Darrell, we both don’t want to be in League Two come the end of next season.”