Politicians and press ready for charity match supporting Bilston Town
Money is already pouring in to boost fundraisers raising money for Bilston Town football club.
Wolverhampton South East MP Pat McFadden is leading a team of politicians who have challenged some of the region's journalists to a five-a-side match.
Cash raised will be go towards new £3,000 floodlights.
The system powering the lights has already been replaced but the club now needs to raise the cash to foot the bill before Christmas.
After a number of lighting issues began to affect games, the historic Queen Street Stadium was in desperate need of work.

The work was so urgent that the club didn't have time to apply for grants or funding and now need the help of generous donations to pay off the bill.
More than £1,800 has been donated online, totalling almost a third of the £3,000 goal.
Wolverhampton musician Vital, who recently landed his own show on BBC WM, will be playing with the press team alongside a number of Express & Star, Free Radio and Press Association journalists.
Mr McFadden will spearhead a team mainly consisting of Labour and Conservative politicians, including Tory councillors Simon Bennett and Udey Singh.
The game is taking place on Saturday December 8 at Bilston Town Football Club at 11.30am.
Entry to the match will be £2 on the day and money can also be donated by visiting gofundme.com/bilston-town-floodlight-fund