Express & Star

Steven Gerrard will not allow in-form Aston Villa to ease up

Steven Gerrard has vowed not to let Villa ease off the gas as they aim for back-to-back wins at home to Burnley tomorrow.


Villa host the Clarets looking to follow up Tuesday’s 2-0 win at Norwich, their fourth victory in six matches since Gerrard took over as boss last month.

The impressive run has reignited hopes of challenging for a top-half finish this season but while Gerrard has received plaudits for his early work, he is hungry for more.

He said: “To deliver four wins out of six is very pleasing but we want to go and try and make it five wins out of seven at the weekend.

“I will keep pushing and challenging these players and keep trying to get them to become the best version of themselves.

“When we took over we believed the team were in a false position considering the talent in the dressing room but we had to go and prove that. So far we are doing it.”

Ollie Watkins, Villa’s top scorer in the Premier League with five goals, is looking to continue his own impressive form against the Clarets.

He said: “I’m happy to be contributing to goals and assists and really enjoying playing in the system at the moment and the football we are playing.

“I feel like I’m free and can just go out there and express myself.

“It’s really good working with the new gaffer. He has shown faith in me. I have not spoken to him too much but he is picking me on a Saturday so I guess I am doing something right.

“Burnley will be physical, well-drilled and direct. We are going to need to be set pieces.

“But it is a game I feel we should control and dominate. I get a buzz when I walk out and see the Holte End and the stadium full.

“It is nice I finally got to play in front of the fans after waiting a good year. I just enjoy every moment.”

Burnley boss Sean Dyche yesterday confirmed the Clarets have several Covid-19 cases, though only one is a player.