Express & Star

Aston Villa defender Tyrone Mings shows support for Black Lives Matter movement in Birmingham

Villa defender Tyrone Mings showed his support for the Black Lives Matter movement by attending a protest in Birmingham on Thursday.


The 27-year-old was among 4,000 demonstrators who congregated by the city’s Central Library to protest against racial injustice following the death of American George Floyd and other black victims of police violence.

Floyd died on May 25 in Minneapolis after a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, held him down by kneeling against his neck for nine minutes. Chauvin has since been sacked and charged with Floyd’s murder.

Mings wore a face covering with the words “Won’t be Silenced” written on it and later posted on Twitter photos from the protest.

He wrote: “Nothing but energy & passion today. I make no apologies for standing up for what I believe in.”

Mings then posted on Instagram: “Won’t be silenced. The energy and power I felt today, was like nothing I’ve felt before.”

Thursday’s protest, which later moved to Victoria Square and to outside West Midlands Police's headquarters at Lloyd House, was praised by police for delivering a “powerful message.”

A statement from West Midlands Police confirmed the demonstration was peaceful and there were no arrests.

Chief constable Dave Thompson tweeted: "A powerful protest by those attending yesterday. Once again Birmingham and the region stands tall. We listened.

"Now we reflect on what actions we and all other public services can do to continue to eliminate racism and improve equality and inclusion."