Express & Star

Claret and Blue fans can relive Aston Villa title triumph

Villa’s 1980/81 title-winning season will forever be remembered as one of the club’s greatest achievements.


Now supporters are being offered the chance to get their hands on a piece of history following the launch of a new book celebrating the triumph.

The 40th anniversary tribute will be officially launched in August, kick-starting a season of events marking four decades since Ron Saunders masterminded Villa’s march to the First Division title despite famously using only 14 players over the course of the campaign.

Containing the programme covers and reports of every match played during the season, the book also includes player profiles, along with rare and unpublished photographs and personal accounts from the men who wrote their names into club folklore over the course of nine unforgettable months.

A special collector’s edition has also been produced. Limited to 500 copies, each will be signed by 11 members of the title-winning squad, while the subscribers name will appear in the book.

The project has been driven by Villa’s league-winning skipper Dennis Mortimer, working with Midlands businessman and football enthusiast Jim Cadman.

“It has been a pleasure working with Jim and reliving with my Villa team-mates the wonderful memories we shared during the 1980/81 League Championship season,” said Mortimer. “The backing we received from the claret and blue faithful during that historic campaign was incredible.

“We hope that those who remember it – as well as the supporters who follow Villa with such a passion today – will enjoy this fascinating book.”

The 1980/81 title was Villa’s first top flight triumph for 71 years with the majority of the team then going to be part of the club’s European Cup win 12 months later.

Cadman explained: “I have known Dennis for a long time and we first started discussing the project a couple of years ago.

“The book is a recreation of the season as it happened, starting with the first match against Norwich and telling the story as it unfolded right up to the final day at Arsenal where the title was won. Along the way you’ve got players providing their memories of specific matches and stories which have never been told before. It is a comprehensive account of the campaign.”

The book’s launch will coincide with a series of Meet the Champions events scheduled for next season, beginning in August at Villa Park and culminating next May with a celebration to mark the anniversary of the title win.

Cadman continued: “The events will give supporters a chance to meet the players and hear stories from the season first-hand. Obviously what we do will be dictated by the national health situation but the hope is by the autumn we will be able to proceed. What Villa did during that season was an incredible achievement and it is arguably the best team the club has ever had.

“To win the league using just 14 players seems almost unfathomable now but it was remarkable at the time too.

“There remains a huge amount of interest from fans who were there, along with interest from those who have grown listening to the stories of that season. The response since we launched the pre-order window has already been incredible.”

Special collector’s hardback editions of the book are priced at £40 plus post and packaging, while fans can also buy an unsigned softback version for £10.
