Express & Star

Nigel Spink: Players will need a lot of convincing to restart football

Villa legend Nigel Spink believes the Premier League faces a serious challenge in convincing players to restart the season next month.


The European Cup-winning goalkeeper thinks players will be ‘very, very wary’ of a return to playing while the coronavirus pandemic is continuing to have such a big impact on everyday life.

Plans to resume a campaign which has been suspended since March have entered a pivotal period with the Premier League due to consult today with managers and captains over medical protocols.

The current hope is that clubs could return to initial group training next Monday with the top flight still targeting a June 12 restart behind closed doors.

A number of players have expressed concerns over a return, including Newcastle defender Danny Rose and Manchester City forward Raheem Sterling.

Spink believes soothing those fears will be no easy task.

He told the Express & Star: “If I was a player right now I would be very, very wary. I don’t think there are enough facts in terms of what we know about this disease. As a player, I would take some convincing.

“It ultimately might be the thing which breaks the league’s plan to restart. If you have say, a third of a playing squad who turn round and say they don’t want to play, where does that leave you?

“Players will want to get back to playing but first and foremost they want to be safe.

“There are so many things which would need sorting out.”

The Premier League received encouragement on Monday when the government announced professional sport may be able to resume behind closed doors from June 1.

But there remains a significant number of hurdles to overcome before that becomes a reality and gaining the support of players is crucial.

Speaking on social media, England international Rose responded to speculation over the Premier League’s return by saying: “Football shouldn’t even be spoken about until the numbers have dropped massively. People’s lives are at risk.”

Spink, meanwhile, revealed his opinions have been shaped by a close friend becoming seriously ill after contracting coronavirus.

He said: “This person is very strong, physically and mentally but became very unwell and it was a very worrying time.

“Thankfully they are OK now and well on the way to recovery but for a few days it was really touch and go.

“It really brought home to me just how dangerous this disease is. Yes, there will be a lot people who get it and experience only a sniffle but there are others for whom it will be much more serious and you have to ask is it worth it?

“In some respects I am flabbergasted football is even trying to come back right now.”