Express & Star

West Midlands stars sign up as NHS heroes

Former West Midlands footballers Martin O’Connor and Stan Collymore have registered to be NHS volunteers during the coronavirus pandemic – and have urged others to do the same.

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The pair took to Twitter to reveal their applications, which could see them help delivering medicines and food, giving lifts to health workers looking to get into work, or offering someone to talk to during isolation.

Former Walsall player and manager O’Connor insists this isn’t about ‘notoriety’, but instead on giving back.

“I have an elderly mum, aged 72, a sister who’s ill, and brother who is ill – and they need NHS care and help,” he told the Express & Star.

“Rather than take, I thought I’d give a bit back and try and help people who are looking after us.

“If I can do anything to help, then I’ll do it.

“It’s not for notoriety or to make everybody love me, it’s just a good thing to do for a worthy cause.

“My academy have a minibus that I can use at any time and I have a car, so I thought rather than sitting at home, I’d try and do something positive and try and help people.”

The NHS have launched an appeal to attract 250,000 more volunteers to help tackle the coronavirus.

And O’Connor is urging more people to use their time wisely and step up to help.

“There’s a lot of people out there that would help but probably haven’t got the instruction or confidence, so in these times everyone needs to start looking after everybody else,” he added.

“Time is very valuable for everyone and the people who are working to keep us safe need some encouragement and support.

“We have gorgeous weather at the moment and sitting in my garden you think about all the people that have gone to work.

“The carers looking after the elderly, the nurses and doctors – all the people contributing to keeping us safe and well.

“I’m just waiting for the shout now to see what I can do.

“If anyone can think about giving some time up for other people then I think it’s a worthy cause.”

Former Villa striker Collymore echoed that sentiment and encouraged his Twitter followers to join him.

“I just volunteered to drive, drop off NHS equipment and prescriptions to those isolating,” he said. “Please volunteer if you can, a great chance for 250,000 of us to do something to help the NHS and it’s wonderful staff.

“The nation needs you.”