Express & Star

Springvale back on track after winter blues

Springvale Cricket Club are approaching the summer with a spring in their step after overcoming a bout of winter blues.


There had been concerns regarding the club's future. after the Mid-Counties Co-operative took the decision to end the day-to-day running of the social club where they are based.

But those fears have been allayed and new skipper Richard Homer is building for the future, literally, with the club in the process of acquiring an out-building that will be used as a tea room on match days.

Homer, who is about to embark on his first season at the helm, said: "There were concerns about what the future held with Co-op not using it as a club.

"Winter nets were going really well and then I had a call to say that the club wasn't being used anymore. That set the alarm bells ringing.

"It was a bit of a shock and a concern, but thankfully the cricket club and the various football teams and bowls team have been given the all-clear to carry on using the facilities.

"We are not too sure what the social club is going to be used for in the future, but basically it's not going to be used as a bar and they have closed down the day-to-day running.

"In fairness, the Co-op have been good to us and they said they would like us to stay and use the facility and not move on.

"We still have the use of changing rooms and showers and we are looking at bringing in an out-building for our own tea room.

"A portable, modular-type building is what we are looking at and we have been given the OK to do that. We are looking to get it transported over in the near future."

Springvale stalwart Dave Bennett is helping oversee the youth set-up.

Homer admits the scare over the club's future has had a galvanising effect on players and committee members.

He said: "The scare seems to have galvanised the players and committee. Everyone seems to be more pro-active.

"It gave us a kick up the backside and maybe that was something we needed. It made us value what we have got. There is still a lot of work to be done but the future is looking a lot brighter.

"I think cricket has been played her since 1923 and we want to keep that tradition going."

The club, who run two sides on a Saturday and one on a Sunday, were bitterly disappointed to slip out of the top flight of the Staffs Clubs League last summer.

They are hoping to push for an instant return after an influx of new faces. Homer said: "We have always struggled to stay in the top flight of the Staffs Clubs.

"We are not a big club and it's hard work competing with clubs like Cannock and Milford.

"We were really disappointed to go down last season because that was probably the most competitive we have ever been in that division.

"But we have signed four of five players with a few more hopefully in the pipeline, so that will make the club stronger."

Another significant boost for the future is the return of a junior set-up, under the guidance of club stalwart Dave Bennett and coach Prakesh Patel.

Homer added: "We have three level two and three level one coaches and the junior section is something we are looking to push.

"We had a junior section a few years ago, but the numbers dwindled. But we are back up and running and are in the process of entering a team into a league at under-12 level."

As is always the case at grassroots level, funding is a major issue but the club aren't sitting still on that score either.

A successful lottery-bingo scheme helps generate some much-needed cash while the Vale are hosting a night with Wolves legend Steve Bull in July.

Homer said: "We raise money through social events and our best source of income is through the lottery-bingo that we run.

"The function room at the club is still available for hire for the foreseeable future and that has allowed us to stage a night with Steve Bull and a local singer, Nathan Johnson.

"We need that night to generate more money. We are not a big club, we are still classed as a working men's club and that's something we are trying to get away from.

"People thought we were funded by Co-op, who ran the club, but that wasn't the case. We are trying to build our own reputation and become a big club, but it's hard work.

"We are looking at being more pro-active and getting this unit built. We are having to fund it ourselves."

Tickets for the Steve Bull event are still available, priced £15. To book, call Richard Homer on 07538 674 137.