Express & Star

Video: Kick-off and Final whistle are launched

The waiting's nearly over. The 2015/6 season is about to begin, and the Express & Star has a new line-up of its own.


Our new-look sports desk have launched 'Kick off' - an eight page supplement that will available in Saturday's Express & Star each week.

It's packed with news, views, opinion and features from our clubs.

That will be followed by 'Final Whistle' - a 12 page follow-up in Monday's paper with all the analysis and action from the weekend's big games.

If you're a Wolves, Albion, Villa or Walsall fan, it's all you need to read.

Every column inch is written by football fans, for football fans

These two pull-outs are not to be missed and are exclusively in your Express & Star - The independent voice of football.

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