Cannock are the Youth League champions
Cannock Cricket Club's under-nines have been crowned Staffordshire Youth League champions after a nail-biting finish to their tournament.
The Cannock youngsters were named winners on runs scored in a tense finish to the round-robin competition at Chase Park, involving Wolverhampton, Aldridge and Moddershall.
Cannock won their first two games against Moddershall and reigning champions Aldridg,e but narrowly lost their final match against Wolverhampton by three runs.
That meant Cannock were tied with Wolverhampton on two wins each.
When runs scored were totalled up, hosts Cannock were named winners by eight runs. Moddershall finished third and Aldridge fourth.
Cannock CC honorary secretary and under-nines manager Graham Machin told of how the club were thrilled with the victory.
He said: "All the boys and girls who took part played really brilliantly and it bodes well for the future of the club. There were some excellent performances by players from all the teams involved."
Ted Noblett, secretary of the Staffordshire Youth Cricket League, was there on the day to present the medals and shield. He paid tribute to the spirit in which the games were played.