Prison for car texts menaces backed
Motorists caught texting on their mobile phones while driving deserve to be sent to prison, one of the Government's top law officers has told a Midland MP.
Motorists caught texting on their mobile phones while driving deserve to be sent to prison, one of the Government's top law officers has told a Midland MP.
The search is on for a new vicar in a Midland village - but the Vicar of Dibley need not apply.
New long-stay car parks could be created in a village near Wolverhampton in a bid to boost custom for local traders who fear their businesses could suffer when a supermarket sets up shop nearby.
MPs in the West Midlands today revealed they are largely sticking to Britain for their main summer holiday - although some are managing to catch up on some summer sun abroad too.
I am 72 years of age, old enough to remember conditions during the last war.
Attempts are being made to restart discussions on controversial proposals to create a £2.5 billion western orbital route around the west of the Black Country – despite being stopped twice due to protests.
Workers at post offices across Staffordshire were today facing up to the reality of their branches being axed – while angry MPs hit out over the consultation process which ended in the closures being confirmed.
Controversial proposals to create a western orbital route around Wolverhampton to ease congestion could be dusted off once more, the Express & Star can reveal today.
West Midlands MPs today rallied behind former Government minister Peter Hain after he announced his resignation from the Cabinet.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown and opposition leader David Cameron could soon be tasting chocolates created by a teenage Willy Wonka, after the youngster impressed an MP.
A chocolate factory owned by a teenage Willy Wonka from Kinver will be officially opened at a special ceremony, bringing to a close a successful year for the youngster. A chocolate factory owned by a teenage Willy Wonka from Kinver will be officially opened at a special ceremony, bringing to a close a successful year for the youngster. It is the latest step for 16-year-old Louis Barnett, who started out a year ago making chocolates in the garage of his parents' home in Enville Road, Kinver. Staffordshire MP Patrick Cormack will cut the ribbon tomorrow. The Chokolit factory, in Faraday Drive, Bridgnorth, first opened in September, with Louis, his parents and the 15 staff employed at the site working around the clock to get products on the shelves in time for Christmas. Both Sainsbury's and Waitrose agreed to stock the chocolates over the festive season. Waitrose bosses say Christmas shoppers have shown a lot of interest in the chocolates. But it is not only stores in the UK which are interested in stocking the chocolates – companies in Russia, Sweden and India are also expressing an interest in the products. Read the full story in the Express & Star.
Villagers in Essington fear they will be left "stranded" when a vital weekend bus service into Wolverhampton is axed. Villagers in Essington fear they will be left "stranded" when a vital weekend bus service into Wolverhampton is axed. Essington's only public transport link to the city on a Saturday will be gone within weeks. It comes months after villagers lost their only weekend bus service to Wednesfield. The Green Bus Company will be pulling the service, used by dozens of villagers each weekend, in February. Councillor David Clifft, chairman of Essington Parish Council, called it a "body blow". "The bus company, based in Great Wyrley, has given the required notice of 13 weeks of its intention to withdraw its Saturday service to Wolverhampton in Essington. "This means from February 2008 there will be no bus service in the village, which is yet another body blow to residents who rely on this vital service. For some residents, young and old, this service is a vital lifeline. The loss of a profound effect on the community." He said the loss of the bus service meant villagers were more "cut off". Read the full story in the Express & Star.
MPs claimed £87.6 million in personal and office expenses last year, and £2.5 million of the total was paid out to parliamentarians in the Black Country and Staffordshire.
West Midlands MPs today gave a mixed reaction to Gordon Brown's election U-turn as the Commons returned to Parliament after the summer break.
Restrictions on the movement of livestock in the West Midlands, Staffordshire and Shropshire were being relaxed today but will remain in force in south-east England after a seventh case of foot and mouth. Restrictions on the movement of livestock in the West Midlands, Staffordshire and Shropshire were being relaxed today but will remain in force in south-east England after a seventh case of foot and mouth. Cattle slaughtered on a farm in Surrey have tested positive for the disease - but within the existing Egham Protection Zone. The risk of foot and mouth spreading in much of England is now considered low, allowing some restrictions to be relaxed, and farm-to-farm movements. But farmers in Staffordshire remain gravely concerned about the spread of the disease and have cancelled a meeting tomorrow to discuss the issue over fears of travelling from farm-to-farm. Read the full story in today's Express & Star.
A stately home near Stafford has won an award for an extension which is boosting its role as a venue for conference and social events.
A beauty spot in the West Midlands becomes "a seedy underworld" at night plagued by boy racers and X-rated activities, fed-up residents claim. A beauty spot in the West Midlands becomes "a seedy underworld" at night plagued by boy racers and X-rated activities, fed-up residents claim. Highgate Common, a 500-acre open space at Enville, near Stourbridge, is being targeted at night by teenagers revving and racing their cars and also taking drugs, according to people living nearby. They also claim that runners out for a jog at night have come across people using the car parks at the beauty spot as a place to park their cars and have sex. Chris Stanley, who lives nearby in Camp Farm, has now called for action to stop residents' lives being made a misery. Read the full story in the Express & Star.
Plans to splash out £75,000 to spruce up a village council chamber near Wolverhampton have been backed by an MP – despite protests. Plans to splash out £75,000 to spruce up a village council chamber near Wolverhampton have been backed by an MP – despite protests. Wombourne Parish Council bosses have earmarked the cash for the Gravel Hill chambers. The former courtroom and toilets would be given an updated modern look to match the recently-refurbished Civic Centre foyer. And as part of the improvements a new disabled toilet and a ramp for disabled access would be created, as well as new panelling, decoration and lighting. Read the full story in the Express & Star.
MP Sir Patrick Cormack will face another secret ballot to determine the future of his political career, after the vote which effectively ousted him was found to be invalid.
Sir Patrick Cormack has carried out his duties to his constituents in an assiduous manner. He has shown great energy and understanding which appears to be lacking in the younger pretenders.