Sunak urged to sack minister ordered to pay back £1,367 after expenses breach
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority found Paul Maynard had used a state-of-the-art printer for campaigning purposes.
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority found Paul Maynard had used a state-of-the-art printer for campaigning purposes.
More than 5,080 people have signed a petition calling on Parliament to allocate some proceeds of crime to groups which support police officer welfare.
A treasure trove of ‘eclectic’ antiques curated by a Staffordshire family over 50 years is heading to auction in Lichfield next week.
The Prince of Wales was speaking at a conference at the Royal Society in London on Thursday.
The seamer turned down the Women’s Premier League and early-season domestic action to prepare for international duty.
More virtual wards will also be used in a bid to free-up capacity in emergency departments.
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority found Paul Maynard had used a state-of-the-art printer for campaigning purposes.
South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to take emergency measures against Israel.
The deal equates to a rise of 5.77% for the lowest paid from April 1 this year, unions were told.
Sport England announced the policy on Thursday as part of its first-ever sustainability strategy.
The European Commission is also looking into Meta’s use of age verification tools to prevent children from accessing Facebook or Instagram.
VAR's future in the Premier League has been called into question after Wolves proposed a vote next month to scrap it.
Vaughan Gething said he had ‘no alternative’ but to ask Hannah Blythyn to leave his government.
Mr Fico was in a serious but stable condition in hospital on Thursday.
The draft revised guidance on relationships, sex and health education has been compiled following concerns that children were being exposed too soon.
At least 60 members of the security forces were injured and 214 people were arrested in Thursday’s clashes.
Wolves say VAR is “undermining the value of the Premier League brand”.
Joynes, 30, denies six counts of sexual activity with two teenage boys.
GMB Scotland and Unite’s care worker members employed by Scottish councils will vote from next week until June 19.
Anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders and three other party leaders have agreed a coalition deal.