Labour talk tough on law and order as Tories seek to move on from D-Day debacle
Labour is setting out a crackdown on antisocial behaviour while Rishi Sunak’s party is pledging a benefits overhaul.
Labour is setting out a crackdown on antisocial behaviour while Rishi Sunak’s party is pledging a benefits overhaul.
The First Minister of Scotland urged Sir Keir Starmer to ‘be open with voters and admit where the axe will fall’.
A manifesto pledge will feature an upfront capital investment of £280 million to expand urgent treatment centres and A&E wards.
The party has claimed its latest election offer will save the public purse some £12 billion a year.
The world number one from Poland brushed aside Italian underdog Jasmine Paolini 6-2 6-1 in and hour and eight minutes.
Hamilton went fastest in the first dry session of the weekend.
A planned ‘huddle’ with reporters was called off as the Prime Minister hit the campaign trail on home turf.
The Warriors added the title to the Grand Final, League Leaders’ Shield and World Club Challenge trophies they already own.
‘I’ve been determined in my leadership that we didn’t mislead people about what is possible,’ Sir Ed Davey told the PA news agency.
The world number one brushed aside Italian underdog Jasmine Paolini in 68 minutes.
A planned ‘huddle’ with reporters was called off as the Prime Minister hit the campaign trail on home turf.
The ceremony took place in the town of Carentan.
The party is also pledging to accelerate the establishment of banking hubs and stamp out late payment of invoices.
Thursday’s goalless draw with Gibraltar angered Wales fans.
Another Cabinet minister criticised the Prime Minister’s absence from the event in France.
Kayleigh Gore, 33, said she started making the friendship bracelets in November in the run-up to the show.
Neighbours are up in arms over a plan by an entertainment venue to open until 4am.
As mayor, I want to see everyone in the West Midlands succeed. That means all of us working together to make local people, businesses and institutions more prosperous and better connected. Simply put, we need to improve transport, create good jobs, and build more homes.
The theme of this year's Cosford Air Show is Take Flight.
As the dust settles on another season, time to reflect on what 2023/24 brought on a domestic level. While Arsenal and, to a lesser extent, Liverpool made valiant attempts to bring an end to Manchester City’s stranglehold on the Premier League title it was Pep Guardiola’s side who came through strongly in the closing weeks to seal a sixth title in seven seasons.