Why universities are furious at Rishi Sunak's attack on 'worthless' degrees
It is a debate that will interest millions of students and their parents – are university degrees worth it?
It is a debate that will interest millions of students and their parents – are university degrees worth it?
A Shropshire pub has been turned into a holiday home, complete with bar, games room, bedrooms and hot tub.
Rainfall this summer has so far been ‘above average’.
Net migration in the last two years equates to around one person for every 47 already in the UK.
The Prime Minister is in Puglia, Italy, for talks with other world leaders.
The leader of the Liberal Democrats has declined to name the Bills he wants to table in the first 100 days of the next parliament.
The Scotland boss was speaking to a packed media conference at the Munich Arena.
Tory candidate Craig Williams has refused to say whether he had placed the bet based on insider information.
The SNP has repeatedly accused Labour of seeking to usher in austerity.
Merope Mills has campaigned with husband Paul Laity to give families more say when it comes to care, following the death of their daughter Martha.
Fenton was named on Thursday in the five-strong women’s team for next month’s Games.
Karen Foster, 62, admitted the manslaughter of Harlow Collinge in March 2022.
Economic experts have offered approval for some of Labour’s ambitions but warned its manifesto does not contain plans to avert public services cuts.
The crew were making a documentary on Londonderry republicans opposed to the peace process the day the journalist was shot in the city.
Labour’s manifesto contained no major surprises as the party sought to cement its commanding lead.
Scotland play hosts Germany in Munich on Friday night.
The manifesto confirmed Labour would cap corporation tax at 25% until the next Parliament.
Tory candidate Craig Williams declined to say whether he had placed the bet based on insider information.
Labour’s manifesto states that if the party wins the General Election, it will restore the 2030 phase-out date.
Extra borrowing will be ‘within fiscal rules’, the party says, and comes alongside a £1.2 billion windfall tax on oil and gas giants.