Eric Bristow on target in the Black Country to raise charity cash
Amateur darts players stepped up to the oche in the Black Country to take on legend Eric Bristow in aid of charity.
The six times world darts champion hosted an exhibition tournament at The Griffin pub in Dudley.
It had been organised by landlady Natalie Walker, aged 31, in aid of the Lymphoma Association.
It is a charity close to her heart as she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of the disease two-and-a-half years ago.
She had seven cycles of chemotherapy and is now in remission. She had been warned by doctors that she may not be able to have children - but one month after being given the all clear she discovered she was pregnant.
Her son Luca is now 15 months old. She decided to take on the pub 11 months ago with her husband Liam, having previously managed the Belle Vue pub in Walsall.
"When you're 28, you think you are invincible so it was a really shock to be told I had lymphoma," she said.
"The chemotherapy really made be sick - I lost my hair, I wasn't able to taste anything and the tips of my fingers were numb.
"It was a relief when I was given the all clear and when I found out about Luca I couldn't believe it - he's my miracle baby."
"I wanted to do an event for the charity and as we have a darts team at the pub, we thought a darts exhibition was a good idea," she added.
Mr Bristow, 57, who lives in Leek, Staffordshire, said: "I like to do what I can to support charities. I do a lot of these types of events. It gives people the chance to play me and it's all for a good cause."
He said he was a big fan of the Grand Slam of Darts event held in Wolverhampton every year.
"All the players look forward to it. It's a great tournament and it's great place to be for 10 days."
The pub darts event was sponsored by ABC Taxis, Dudley Building Society and the Wilf Gilbert betting shop.