Factory explosion rocks town
An explosion rocked Brierley Hill after a fire at a factory in the town spread to cylinders filled with gas.

An explosion rocked a Black Country town after a fire at a factory spread to cylinders filled with gas. Five workers fled to safety before the blast, which could be heard from more than a mile away.
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Firefighters were forced to dive for cover as a cylinder exploded while they were tackling the blaze at the PBA factory, at the Bevan Road industrial estate in Brierley Hill last night.
The firm employs 30 workers, who were today told to stay at home while firefighters made the site safe.
PBA owner Chris Washington said he did not know when his staff would be able to return to work, or what had caused the fire, which started in the factory's furnace. The blaze melted plastic windows and damaged about a quarter of the single-storey factory, leaving the rest smoke-logged.
Firefighters sealed off the area and a security guard was also evacuated from the nearby traffic police base last night.
Fire crews were expected to remain on standby at the site for 24 hours until six ammonia cylinders and one acetyline cylinder had cooled down enough for them not to pose a safety risk. A cordon set up about 150 feet from the site was still in place this morning. The fire started at 8pm, but at around 9pm an ammonia cylinder at the site exploded with a bang heard a mile away by footballers at the Dell Stadium.
Fire crews were expected to remain on standby at the site for 24 hours until the cylinder had cooled down enough for it not to pose a safety risk.nextpage