Express & Star

Students dress up for prom night

Another selection of reader prom photos from the Express & Star region.


Girls from Highfields, Wolverhampton, from left, Charlotte, Mav, Sasha and Emily.nextpage

MOSELEY PARK TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE IN BILSTON. > Ê > THE GIRLS NAMES ARE EMMA .SAM. ADELE.VICKY.NATASHA. SAM. ALL BESTFrom Bilston's Moseley Park Technology College, Emma, Sam, Adele, Vicky, Natasha and Sam. nextpage

Bristnall Hall Technology College in oldburyStudents from Bristnall Hall Technology College in Oldbury.nextpage

From left to right kayleigh,luke,aisha,woody,jade,ross,and nikki,for  the crestwood school prom 27 06 2008From left, Kayleigh, Luke, Aisha, Woody, Jade, Ross and Nikki, ready for the Crestwood School prom.nextpage

The wordsley School Prom Stephanie Vaughan, Aimee Lee, Stacie Ford, Missy Walker then went to the Copthorne HotelThe Wordsley School Prom's Stephanie Vaughan, Aimee Lee, Stacie Ford and Missy Walker, who went to the Copthorne Hotel. See also: Prom pictures

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