Physical limitations
How many times do you hear 'I can't do that!' and how many times are those words said by people who haven't even attempted the so called impossible?
In my line of work I hear that statement every day of the week, 'I can't lift that', 'I'm not that flexible', 'you must be kidding'... The quotes go on and on. Most people have failed before they have even started because they have already accepted defeat. These people only see barriers, something that will stop them from overcoming challenging tasks. There is nothing wrong with seeing a challenge and knowing that it is a mighty task, but what needs to be done is to see the challenge, assess the situation, and come up with plan of action on how to conquer it.
Take Sir Richard Branson for instance, his career so far has seen him launch over 100 companies. It's not surprising to find that not all of them were as successful as his more well known ventures. Whenever a project starts to fail Branson takes a different angle to tackle the problem. However, some ideas can't be saved. He has been known to say that an essential skill of an entrepreneur is recognizing mistakes and recovering from them.
Setbacks are going to happen in life, there is no such thing as an easy life, it is how we deal with setbacks that determines the life we live.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is when something comes true because we are acting as if it is already true. Obviously don't start thinking you have won the lottery and expect it to happen, that is down to chance, and chance alone.
Our expectations change the way we behave, they shape the way we live our lives. If you expect to fail, guess what? You will fail. You have already decided on defeat, and so won't put in the effort to reach your goal. Whereas if you believe you can do something you will do everything in your power to make it happen, because for you it already has happened- you can vision it in your mind.
Other people have a great part to play in self-fulfilling prophecies. If you're told something over and over again you start to believe it. For instance I was in the bottom class for English throughout my whole time at school, and was told that my reading and writing skills were awful. One teacher told me all I wrote was random words on paper. So for many years I never wrote a thing, and if I needed to write anything I struggled and relied on others to pretty much do my work for me. Yet here I am writing articles on fitness and exercise. I'm no Shakespeare, far from it, but I had a turning point in 2011when I wanted to write about fitness and spread the word on how I workout. That desire push me to read more and to start writing, and with every book I read and every article I write I get better. I still have issues with grammar and spelling, but I have action plans in place and I know that if I stick to them I can only improve.
You are not defined by the expectations others have of you
Take lifting a heavy weight, such as dead lifting one and a half times your own bodyweight. This is a simple challenge to overcome, figure out what you can already lift then train the right muscles in a strength training format, gaining strength in your legs and lower back untill you are strong enough to lift the desired weight. This is made achievable by setting short term or mini goals,
•First goal learn the correct way to perform the dead lift
•Find out exercises which will help to build muscle strength in the legs to help lift the weight
•Aim to lift half your bodyweight, then your bodyweight, and finally one and a half times your body weight
Simple right! No, there will be setbacks - injuries, illnesses, and other life issues - but do you think these things stop some of the world's most successful people like Branson? No!
If you make smaller more achievable goals and you keep to them it is inevitable that you will reach your overall desired outcome.
The same is said for all aspects of life, meeting the right partner, getting the ideal job, everything!