Express & Star

Letter: EU backers have tainted views

The starting gun has been fired on the EU referendum following the Queen's speech.


Already the pro-EU lobby are filling our airwaves with their doom-laden view of the consequences of leaving the EU.

I would ask all readers to exercise the 'buyers beware' option. Firstly, let's consider the intervention by Lord Hill, the EU commissioner. He asserted it was in the interests of the UK to remain shackled to the EU. He would say that wouldn't he?

After all, his entire EU pension, running into millions, is dependent on supporting the further political development of the EU, is it not? So, it is in his interest, not necessarily mine or yours.

The same applies to Peter Mandelson and Neil Kinnock. As commissioners they take an oath which means that they cannot act in the national interest, only for the EU.

Secondly, let's consider the BBC. They are pro-EU to the core, as exposed by Robin Aitken in his 2007 book 'Can we trust the BBC?' He showed how they used all the tricks of the trade to ensure the anti-Common Market side were not given a fair hearing.

The truth about the so-called 'Common Market' in 1975, namely that it was always intended to create a political union, was hidden from the British people. The BBC has taken millions of pounds from the EU Investment Bank. The stated objectives of the bank are 'European integration'. The money taints the BBC and they have actively sought to hide the fact they have taken it. Thirdly the Confederation of British Industry, the CBI, represents large corporate industry and they were very key supporters of Britain joining the Euro.

They said it would be a disaster for us not to join. The CBI has received millions from the EU in the form of grants. This is a vested interest and they should be required to state that on each and every occasion they make a pro-EU statement, as I believe that their financial attachment to the EU is extremely relevant, to say the least.

The EU suits large corporate businesses, not our small-to-medium business which are the real wealth generators, and that is why the CBI is expressing such doom-laden views.

Buyers beware indeed!

J Stretton
