Express & Star

Poland’s three opposition parties poised for power, final election results show

The result was a huge victory for Donald Tusk, the head of the largest opposition group, Civic Coalition.

APTOPIX Poland Elections

Three opposition parties that have vowed to restore democratic standards in Poland together won about 54% of the votes in the nation’s parliamentary election, final results show.

The conservative Law and Justice party, which has governed the country for eight turbulent years, won slightly over 35% of the votes, making it the single party with the most votes.

But the party and its leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski lost their majority in parliament and appeared to have no way to hold on to power.

Poland Election
Poland’s conservative ruling Law and Justice party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski, centre, greets his supporters in Warsaw (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

The official ballot announced by the National Electoral Commission aligns closely with an exit poll released after voting ended on Sunday.

Turnout was nearly 75%, a record that surpassed the 63% turnout of 1989, a vote that triggered the collapse of the oppressive Soviet-backed communist system.

Law and Justice had been taking the country on an illiberal path, taking control of courts in a manner that violated the country’s own constitution.

The party politicised state institutions, including taxpayer-funded public media which it used as a crude propaganda tool to praise itself and vilify opponents.

The result was a huge victory for Donald Tusk, the head of the largest opposition group, Civic Coalition.

He appeared likely to return to his past role as Polish prime minister, a job he held from 2007-14. He also served as the European Council president, a top job in the bloc, from 2014-19.

Mr Tusk’s success is all the more remarkable given that state media went into overdrive to portray him as a stooge of Germany and Russia. That portrayal, which appeared baseless, also won him much sympathy.

Poland Election
A man takes photos of the results of Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Poland (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

The result was a huge relief for Poles concerned about the country’s international isolation at a time of war across the border in Ukraine and the constant bickering with the European Union. Many feared it could cause the country’s eventual ejection from the 27-member bloc.

The LGBT+ community also suffered a smear campaign in recent years, being portrayed as a threat to the nation by the conservative ruling party. Liberals were also depicted as disloyal to the country.

The National Electoral Commission said that Law and Justice won slightly over 35% of the votes, and the far-right Confederation, a possible ally, about 7%.

Three opposition groups won a total of 53.7%, enough for a comfortable majority in the 460-seat lower house of parliament, or Sejm. The Civic Coalition garnered 30.7% of the vote while the centrist Third Way got 14.4% and the New Left about 8.6%.

The three ran on separate tickets so they are not formally part of the same coalition but all promised to cooperate to restore the rule of law.

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