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China bans Japan seafood after Fukushima nuclear plant begins wastewater release

People inside and outside the country protested against the wastewater release.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northern Japan shortly after its operator began releasing its first batch of treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean

The tsunami-wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has begun releasing its first batch of treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean – a controversial step that prompted China to ban seafood from Japan.

People inside and outside the country protested against the wastewater release, with Japanese fishing groups fearing it will further damage the reputation of their seafood and groups in China and South Korea raising concerns, making it a political and diplomatic issue.

In response to the wastewater release, Chinese customs authorities banned seafood from Japan, customs authorities announced on Thursday.

The ban started immediately and will affect all imports of “aquatic products” including seafood, according to the notice.

Authorities said they will “dynamically adjust relevant regulatory measures as appropriate to prevent the risks of nuclear-contaminated water discharge to the health and food safety of our country”.

Shortly after China’s announcement, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (Tepco) president Tomoaki Kobayakawa said the utility was preparing to compensate Japanese business owners appropriately for damages suffered by export bans from “the foreign government” over the wastewater release.

He said China is Japan’s key trading partner and that he will do his utmost by providing scientific explanations of the release so that the ban will be dropped as soon as possible.

The Japanese government and Tepco say the water must be released to make room for the plant’s decommissioning and to prevent accidental leaks.

They say the treatment and dilution will make the wastewater safer than international standards and its environmental impact will be negligibly small.

Tony Hooker, director of the Centre for Radiation Research, Education and Innovation at the University of Adelaide, said the water released from the Fukushima plant is safe.

“It certainly is well below the World Health Organisation drinking water guidelines,” he said.

People protest at a beach towards the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, damaged by a massive 2011, earthquake and tsunami, in Namie town, north-eastern Japan
People protest at a beach in Namie town, north-eastern Japan, towards the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (Eugene Hoshiko/AP)

“It’s safe.”

Mr Hooker added: “It’s a very political issue of disposing radiation into the sea.

“I understand people’s concerns and that’s because we as scientists have not explained it in a very good way, and we need to do more education.”

Still, some scientists say the long-term impact of the low-dose radioactivity that remains in the water needs attention.

In a live video from a control room at the plant, Tepco showed a staff member turning on a seawater pump with a click of a mouse, marking the beginning of the controversial project that is expected to last for decades.

“Seawater Pump A activated,” the main operator said, confirming the release was under way.

Tepco said an additional wastewater release pump was activated 20 minutes after the first.

The tanks which contain treated radioactive wastewater at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima, northern Japan
The tanks which contain treated radioactive wastewater at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima, northern Japan (Kyodo News via AP)

Plant officials said everything was moving smoothly so far.

In a statement on Thursday, International Atomic Energy Agency director general Rafael Mariano Grossi said: “IAEA experts are there on the ground to serve as the eyes of the international community and ensure that the discharge is being carried out as planned consistent with IAEA safety standards.”

The United Nations agency also said it would launch a webpage to provide live data about the discharge, and repeated its assurance that the IAEA would have an on-site presence for the duration of the release.

The water release begins more than 12 years after the March 2011 nuclear meltdowns, caused by a massive earthquake and tsunami.

It marks a milestone for the plant’s battle with an ever-growing radioactive water stockpile that Tepco and the government say has hampered the daunting task of removing the fatally toxic melted debris from the reactors.

The pump activated on Thursday afternoon sent the first batch of the diluted, treated water from a mixing pool to a secondary pool 10 minutes later.

It then moves through a connected undersea tunnel to go out one kilometre (0.6 miles) off the coast.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, damaged by a massive March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami, is seen from the nearby Ukedo fishing port in Namie town, north-eastern Japan
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is seen from the nearby Ukedo fishing port in Namie town, north-eastern Japan (Eugene Hoshiko/AP)

Officials said the water moves at a walking speed and will take about 30 minutes to exit from the tunnel.

The operator checked data and the progress on a set of four monitors that show the water volume, pump conditions and any alerts.

Tepco executive Junichi Matsumoto said Thursday’s release was planned to start small in order to ensure safety.

The wastewater is collected and partly recycled as cooling water after treatment, with the rest stored in around 1,000 tanks, which are already filled to 98% of their 1.37 million-ton capacity.

Those tanks, which cover much of the plant complex, must be freed up to build the new facilities needed for the decommissioning process, officials said.

Final preparation for the release began on Tuesday, when just one ton of treated water was sent from a tank for dilution with 1,200 tons of seawater, and the mixture was kept in the primary pool for two days for final sampling to ensure safety, Mr Matsumoto said.

A batch of 460 tons was to be sent to the mixing pool on Thursday for the actual discharge.

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings executive Junichi Matsumoto, second left, who is in charge of the treated water release from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, bows at the beginning of a regular press conference in the Okuma town on the north-eastern coast of Japan
Tepco executive Junichi Matsumoto, second left, bows at the beginning of a press conference in Okuma town on the north-eastern coast of Japan (Eugene Hoshiko/AP)

Fukushima’s fisheries, tourism and economy – which are still recovering from the disaster – worry the release could be the beginning of a new hardship.

Fukushima’s current fish catch is only about one-fifth of its pre-disaster level, in part due to a decline in the fishing population.

China has tightened radiation testing on Japanese products from Fukushima and nine other prefectures, halting exports at customs for weeks, Fisheries Agency officials said.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said the release is indispensable and could not be postponed.

He noted an experimental removal of a small amount of the melted debris from the No 2 reactor is set for later this year using a remote-controlled giant robotic arm.

In 2021, the Japanese government announced plans to release the treated water to the sea.

Then, on Sunday, Mr Kishida made a rushed visit to the plant before meeting with fisheries representatives and pledging to support their livelihoods until the release ends.

This aerial view shows the treated water, bottom, diluted by seawater flowing into a secondary water then into a connected undersea tunnel for an offshore discharge at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima, northern Japan
This aerial view shows the treated water, bottom, diluted by seawater flowing into a secondary water then into a connected undersea tunnel for an offshore discharge at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (Kyodo News via AP)

The hurried timeline raised scepticism that it was made to fit Mr Kishida’s busy political schedule in September.

But Economy and Industry Ministry officials say they wanted the release to start as early as possible and have good safety records ahead of the autumn fishing season.

The March 2011 earthquake and tsunami destroyed the plant’s cooling systems, causing three reactors to melt.

Highly contaminated cooling water applied to the damaged reactors has leaked continuously to building basements and mixed with groundwater.

Tepco plans to release 31,200 tons of the treated water by the end of March 2024, which would empty only 10 tanks because of the contaminated production of wastewater at the plant, though the pace will later pick up.

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