Express & Star

Hong Kong leader defends removal of politically sensitive books from libraries

Chief Executive John Lee was addressing a politician’s question about dozens of books in public libraries removed without a clear explanation.

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive John Lee

Hong Kong’s leader said the city’s public libraries will not recommend books featuring “bad ideologies” to residents – after they pulled titles related to the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and certain political figures.

Chief Executive John Lee was addressing a politician’s question about dozens of books in public libraries removed without a clear explanation.

Those include publications about the bloody crackdown and others written by pro-democracy politicians and political commentators.

Hong Kong is a former British colony that returned to China’s rule in 1997, promising to retain its western-style freedoms.

Tiananmen Square
The group that organised Hong Kong’s annual vigil in remembrance of the Tiananmen Square massacre also voted to disband in 2021 under the shadow of the security law (Duy Phuong Nguyen/Alamy/PA)

But the city’s cultural and creative sectors said the city’s freedoms have shrunk since Beijing imposed a tough national security law after massive pro-democracy protests in 2019.

Critics said the book pulling will further undermine Hong Kong’s reputation for having free access to information and freedom of expression.

But Mr Lee defended the sweeping law at the legislature, saying Hong Kong’s freedoms are protected by the city’s constitution.

“The books we offer for residents to borrow are those that we recommend,” he said.

“We would never recommend books that are illegal and violate copyrights. We would never recommend those that we deem to be featuring bad ideologies.”

He said residents can still find such books to read elsewhere.

He did not elaborate on what are considered “bad ideologies” and why the books were removed.

Protesters in Hong Kong in 2019
Protesters in Hong Kong in 2019 (Alamy/PA)

The government has not immediately responded to a request for comment.

The removal of the books was reported by local media outlets after a Chinese newspaper stopped publishing works by the city’s most prominent political cartoonist on Sunday following government complaints.

Comic strip collections by the cartoonist were also no longer available in public libraries.

Since a sweeping security law was enacted in 2020, the city’s art and media communities have learned to be wary of crossing vaguely defined red lines in producing art and other content that might be perceived as challenging the Chinese Communist Party’s control.

The group that organised Hong Kong’s annual vigil in remembrance of the Tiananmen Square massacre also voted to disband in 2021 under the shadow of the security law.

The annual vigil was the only large-scale public commemoration of the event on Chinese soil and was attended by massive crowds until authorities banned it in 2020, citing anti-pandemic measures.

Supporters say the group’s closure shows the freedoms and autonomy promised when Hong Kong returned to China in 1997 are diminishing.

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