Express & Star

Italian astronaut and Russian cosmonaut team up for spacewalk

Samantha Cristoforetti teamed up with Oleg Artemyev to work on the International Space Station’s newest robot arm.

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Space Station

An Italian astronaut has joined a Russian cosmonaut in a rare spacewalking show of unity as tensions over Ukraine continued back on Earth.

Samantha Cristoforetti teamed up with Oleg Artemyev to work on the International Space Station’s newest robot arm.

The 37ft mechanical limb — contributed by the European Space Agency — rocketed into orbit with a Russian lab last July.

The Russian Space Agency’s recently replaced chief, Dmitry Rogozin, threatened to halt the installation work last week, putting the spacewalk in question.

Space Station
Work was carried out on the station’s newest robot arm (Nasa/AP)

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, Europe pulled out of its collaboration with Russia on a mission to Mars.

Despite the turmoil on Earth, the space station’s seven residents have repeatedly stressed that they are getting along fine, as have the flight control teams in Houston and Moscow.

The current crew includes three Americans, three Russians and Ms Cristoforetti.

Russian cosmonauts typically pair up for spacewalks although Nasa and European Space Agency astronauts occasionally ventured out with them years ago.

Before tackling the arm installation work, Mr Artemyev tossed 10 mini satellites overboard, one by one, in a radio technology experiment.

Each weighed just 500g and rotated slowly as they were released.

The first six drifted harmlessly away but the seventh one brushed against a space station solar wing and framework. Mr Artemyev said the contact was very mild and Nasa agreed there was no concern of damage.

Russian Mission Control urged Mr Artemyev to be more careful, and his pitch improved for the last three satellites.

It was the first spacewalk for Ms Cristoforetti, the lone woman in the European Space Agency’s astronaut corps. Mr Artemyev, the station’s commander, is now a six-time spacewalker.

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