Express & Star

South Korea’s new leader offers support if North denuclearises

Yoon Suk Yeol had promised a tougher stance on North Korea during his campaign but avoided tough words during his inaugural speech.

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South Korea New President

Yoon Suk Yeol has taken office as South Korea’s new president with a vow to pursue a negotiated settlement of North Korea’s threatening nuclear programme – and an offer of “an audacious plan” to improve Pyongyang’s economy if it abandons its nuclear weapons.

Mr Yoon had promised a tougher stance on North Korea during his campaign but avoided tough words during his inaugural speech amid growing worries that the North is preparing for its first nuclear bomb test in nearly five years.

North Korea has rejected similar past overtures by some of Mr Yoon’s predecessors that link incentives to progress in its denuclearisation.

“While North Korea’s nuclear weapon programs are a threat, not only to our security but also to north-east Asia, the door to dialogue will remain open so that we can peacefully resolve this threat,” Mr Yoon told a crowd gathered outside parliament in Seoul.

“If North Korea genuinely embarks on a process to complete denuclearisation, we are prepared to work with the international community to present an audacious plan that will vastly strengthen North Korea’s economy and improve the quality of life for its people.”

South Korea New President
Supporters greet Yoon Suk Yeol as he arrives for his inauguration ceremony (Kim Min-hee/AP)

Mr Yoon also addressed South Korea’s growing economic problems, saying decaying job markets and a widening rich-poor gap are brewing a democratic crisis by stoking “internal strife and discord” and fuelling a spread of “anti-intellectualism” as people lose their sense of community and belonging.

He said he will spur economic growth to heal the deep political divide and income equalities.

North Korea’s advancing nuclear programme is a vexing security challenge for Mr Yoon, who won the March 9 election on a promise to strengthen South Korea’s 70-year military alliance with the United States and build up its own missile capability to neutralise North Korean threats.

In recent months, North Korea has test-launched a spate of nuclear-capable missiles that could target South Korea, Japan and the mainland United States.

Pyongyang appears to be trying to rattle Mr Yoon’s government while modernising its weapons arsenals and pressuring the Biden administration into relaxing sanctions on it.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently warned that his nuclear weapons will not be confined to their primary mission of deterring war if his national interests are threatened.

Kim Jong Un
Kim Jong Un (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service/AP)

In a policy briefing earlier on Tuesday, South Korea’s military chief Won In-Choul told Mr Yoon in a video conference that North Korea is ready to conduct a nuclear test if Mr Kim decides to do so.

Mr Yoon then ordered military commanders to maintain firm readiness, saying that “the security situation on the Korean Peninsula is very grave”.

Other issues in the tough mix of foreign policy and domestic challenges facing Mr Yoon are a US-China rivalry and strained ties with Japan over history and trade disputes.

South Korea is also bracing for the fallout of Russia’s war on Ukraine in global energy markets.

Chung Jin-young, a professor at Kyung Hee University, said South Korea must accept that it cannot force North Korea to denuclearise or ease the US-China stand-off.

He said South Korea must instead focus on strengthening its defence capability and the US alliance to “make North Korea never dare to think about a nuclear attack on us”.

He said South Korea must also prevent ties with Beijing from worsening.

South Korea New President
Yoon Suk Yeol waves to the crowds after his inauguration (Ha Sa-hun/Yonhap/AP)

Mr Yoon did not mention Japan during his speech.

During his campaign, Mr Yoon repeatedly accused his liberal predecessor Moon Jae-in of exploiting Japan for domestic politics and stressed Tokyo’s strategic importance.

But some experts say Mr Yoon could end up in the same policy rut as Mr Moon, considering the countries’ deep disagreements over sensitive history issues such as Tokyo’s wartime mobilisation of Korean labourers and sex slaves.

Some of Mr Yoon’s major domestic policies may face an impasse in parliament, which will remain controlled by liberal politicians ahead of general elections in 2024.

Mr Yoon must also rebuild South Korea’s pandemic response, shaken by a massive Omicron surge in recent months.

He has been also been denied a honeymoon period.

Surveys show less than 60% of respondents expect he will do well in his presidency, an unusually low figure compared to his predecessors, who mostly received about 80%-90% before they entered office.

His approval rating as a president-elect was 41%, according to a survey by Gallup Korea released last week that put then president Moon’s rating at 45%.

South Korea New President
The 20th presidential inauguration reception at the National Assembly in Seoul (Lee Jin-man/AP)

Mr Yoon’s low popularity is blamed in part on an acute divide between conservatives and liberals and on contentious policies and Cabinet picks.

Some experts say Mr Yoon also has not shown a clear vision for how to navigate South Korea past the foreign policy and domestic challenges.

Mr Yoon won the election by a historically narrow margin after largely catering to public frustration over Mr Moon’s setbacks in economic policies, which were criticised for letting house prices and personal debt soar out of control and failing to create enough jobs.

Mr Yoon focused much of his message on young males who resented the loss of traditional privileges in a hyper-competitive job market and their dimmed prospects for marriage and parenthood, although his campaign was criticised for ignoring the plight of women.

“The challenges that Yoon has at the start of his presidency are the toughest and the most unfavourable ones” among South Korean presidents elected since the late 1980s, a period viewed as the start of the country’s genuine democracy after decades of dictatorship, said Choi Jin, director of the Seoul-based Institute of Presidential Leadership.

In recent weeks, Mr Yoon has invited criticism — even from some of his conservative supporters — by moving his offices from the mountainside Blue House presidential palace.

Mr Yoon said moving to the capital’s centre is meant to better communicate with the public, but critics question why he has made it a priority when he has so many other urgent issues to tackle.

Mr Yoon, 61, was prosecutor-general for Mr Moon before he resigned and joined the main conservative opposition party last year following internal feuding with Mr Moon’s political allies.

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