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Brazil’s supreme court rules Covid-19 vaccination can be mandatory

However, the court has also ruled Brazilians may not be vaccinated against their will.

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A close up of the Pfizer vaccine

Brazil’s supreme court says coronavirus vaccination can be made mandatory, delivering a blow to the nation’s nascent anti-vaccine movement.

But the court also ruled Brazilians may not be vaccinated against their will.

A court statement says Thursday’s ruling does pave the way for state and municipal governments to approve laws imposing fines or restrictive measures for anyone refusing to take a vaccine.

Virus Outbreak Brazil
Jair Bolsonaro has sown scepticism about vaccination (Eraldo Peres/AP)

President Jair Bolsonaro has repeatedly said he will not take any vaccine and opposes mandatory immunisation. He has also sown scepticism about potential side effects.

Opinion polls have indicated a growing resistance to vaccination, with about one-fifth of Brazilians surveyed by pollster Datafolha this month saying they do not intend to get a shot.

Brazil’s health regulator Anvisa has yet to approve any shot for mass immunisation.

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