Express & Star

India’s top court offers to mediate to end farmers’ protest

Tens of thousands of farmers have demanded the repeal of new agricultural reform laws.

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Protesting farmer leaders shout slogans as they sit on a day long hunger strike at the Delhi- Haryana border

India’s Supreme Court has offered to set up a mediation panel to end a three-week protest by tens of thousands of farmers who are demanding the repeal of new agricultural reform laws they say will devastate their earnings.

The court sent notices to the government and the farmers’ representatives across the country seeking their views on the proposal and set Thursday for a possible decision.

The farmers have been blocking half a dozen major roads on the outskirts of New Delhi for three weeks and say they will not leave until the government quashes what they call the “black laws” passed by parliament in September.

India Farmer Protests
A protesting farmer sits at the back of his tractor trailer as blocks a highway with other farmers at the Delhi- Haryana border on Monday (Manish Swarup/AP)

Chief Justice SA Bobde and Justices AS Bopanna and V Ramasubramanian made the offer to set up the panel after five rounds of talks between the government and farmers failed to end the impasse.

“Your negotiations with protesting farmers have not worked apparently until now,” the Press Trust of India news agency cited the judges as telling government solicitor-general Tushar Mehta.

Apart from blocking the movement of people, the massive protest has dealt a blow to manufacturing and business in northern India.

The farmers say the laws will lead to the cartelisation and commercialisation of agriculture and make farmers vulnerable to corporate greed.

Protest leaders have rejected the government’s offer to amend some contentious provisions of the laws.

The farmers fear the government will stop buying grain at minimum guaranteed prices and corporations will then push prices down.

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
Prime Minister Narendra Modi insists the reforms will benefit farmers (Victoria Jones/PA)

The government says it is willing to pledge that guaranteed prices will continue.

Nearly 60% of the Indian population depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government insists the reforms will benefit farmers.

It says they will allow farmers to market their produce and boost production through private investment.

On Friday, a farmers’ group filed a petition with the Supreme Court seeking the repeal of the three laws.

The Bharatiya Kisan Union, or Indian Farmers’ Union, argued that the laws were arbitrary because they were enacted without proper consultations with stakeholders.

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