Express & Star

Indian farmers face tear gas and batons as they continue to protest new laws

The protests come in response to laws passed by parliament in September which famers fear will give more power to corporations.

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India Farmer Protests

Thousands of Indian farmers faced tear gas and baton charges from police as they resumed their march to the capital to protest new laws they fear will give more power to corporations and reduce their earnings.

Heading toward New Delhi, the farmers used tractors to clear walls of concrete, shipping containers and parked trucks set up by police on highways leading to the capital.

The farmers began their march to New Delhi on Thursday to mount pressure on prime minister Narendra Modi’s government to abolish the laws.

But they were stopped by large numbers of security officers in riot gear on the boundary between New Delhi and Haryana state.

India Farmer Protests
A farmer drives a tractor into a barricade in an attempt to remove it at the border between Delhi and Haryana state (Manish Swarup/AP)

They resumed their march early Friday, unfazed by overnight rain and chilly winter temperatures.

Majhinder Singh Dhaliwal, one of the protest’s leaders, said: “We are fighting for our rights.

“We won’t rest until we reach the capital and force the government to abolish these black laws.”

For the last two months, farmer unions unwilling to accept new laws have camped on highways in Punjab and Haryana states.

They say the laws, which were approved by parliament in September, could cause the government to stop buying grain at guaranteed prices and result in their being exploited by corporations that would buy their crops at cheap prices.

India Farmer Protests
Protesting farmers shout slogans and face security officers at the border between Delhi and Haryana state (Manish Swarup/AP)

The government has said the laws are aimed at reforming India’s farming sector by giving farmers the freedom to market their produce and boosting agricultural growth through private investment.

Opposition parties and some of Mr Modi’s allies have called the laws anti-farmer and pro-corporation.

In a bid to stop the protesters from riding commuter trains into the capital, the Delhi Metro said on Twitter that some services were suspended. Traffic slowed to a crawl as vehicles were checked along state borders, leading to huge jams on some highways.

Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh urged the federal government to defuse the tension at the border and initiate talks with leaders of the farmers.

“The voice of farmers cannot be muzzled indefinitely,” he wrote on Twitter.

Negotiations between the leaders of farmer unions and the government to defuse the standoff have been unsuccessful.

Farmers say they will continue to protest until the government rolls back the laws.

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