Express & Star

Police carrying clubs arrest more than 500 protesters in Belarus

At least nine journalists were reportedly detained.

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Belarus Protests

Police swinging clubs pursued demonstrators in the capital of Belarus who were demanding the resignation of the country’s authoritarian president on Sunday.

Human rights activists said hundreds of people were arrested on the 90th consecutive day of protests.

Thousands of demonstrators tried to enter the centre of Minsk from several directions, but police cordoned off the area with armoured vehicles and lines of riot officers and prevented the protesters from assembling in a single place.

Police officers run during an opposition rally
Police officers run during the rally (AP)

The Belarusian Association of Journalists said at least nine journalists were detained. The human rights organisation Viasna said 548 people were arrested in total, including well-known model Olga Khizhinkova, a former Miss Belarus.

The wave of protests, unprecedented in their size and duration, began after the August 9 election that official results say gave president Alexander Lukashenko a sixth term in office. The opposition and some poll workers say the results were manipulated.

Mr Lukashenko, who has suppressed opposition and independent news media since coming to power in 1994, has refused dialogue with opponents and has alleged that Western countries have incited the protests.

His main election challenger, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, who fled to Lithuania under pressure from officials after the election, said on Sunday that she hoped Joe Biden, the US president-elect, would put pressure on Mr Lukashenko.

“Joe Biden has spoken out more than once and taken a firm position of support for the Belarusian people,” she said.

She also exhorted protesters to continue demonstrating.

“We have stood against lawlessness and violence for 90 days already. In these 90 days, Belarusians made the regime understand that they have lost legitimacy and authority,” she said.

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