Express & Star

Volunteers feed coronavirus patients and doctors in Nepal hospital

Nepal, which has 49,219 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 312 deaths, first imposed a lockdown in March, which lasted for four months.

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A volunteer packs food

Bikram Bhadel saw from his pharmacy outside Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu what happened when coronavirus lockdowns closed the hospital’s canteen and nearby cafes.

“Every day I watched the patients, their families, doctors and other health workers struggling to get a good meal,” Mr Bhadel said.

“They were already having a tough time and the food situation was making it worse. This is where I decided that I need to step in and help out.”

Nepal coronavirus
Volunteers pack food for patients and health workers at the hospital in Kathmandu (Niranjan Shrestha/AP)

He took one million rupees (£6,500) out of his family’s savings. And with the help of his friend Indra Kumar Newar – a taxi driver who had no work in recent months due to the lockdowns – he rented an empty restaurant across the street from the hospital, bought groceries and hired a few helpers.

Now, at one of Nepal’s largest hospitals, more than 200 Covid-19 patients, doctors, nurses and workers get hot, tasty and nutritious food three times a day.

“I have heard there is no medicine for the Covid-19 patients and the only thing to do is to take care of them and give them healthy food to help recover and regain their immunity.

This is what we are trying to do to help,” Mr Bhadel said.

Global Covid-19 cases and deaths
(PA Graphics)

The meals are vegetarian, prepared after consulting with nutritionists. They offer a combination of rice, lentils, beans, vegetables, fruit and salad for brunch and dinner, and snacks in the afternoon.

They begin their day early in the morning. preparing hundreds of meals. Food is packed in disposable packets and carried by Mr Bhadel and Mr Newar to the hospital reception area, where the staff wait.

“The doctors and health workers have been working risking their own lives and away from their families. It was time to do something for them when they need them,” Mr Newar said.

Staff work and stay at the hospital for a week on duty and then another week in quarantine before they are allowed to return home for a week off work.

Virus Outbreak One Good Thing Nepal Health Workers
Pharmacist Bikram Bhadel, right, and his friend Indra Newar, a taxi driver, deliver food (Niranjan Shrestha/AP)

While they are at the hospital, their only access to hot meals has been what the team delivers.

Nepal, which has 49,219 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 312 deaths, first imposed a lockdown in March, which lasted for four months.

A second lockdown was set last month in nearly half the country when the numbers kept rising.

Mr Bhadel and Mr Newar estimate they spend about 50,000 rupees (£326) a day on groceries. They have hired 11 cooks and helpers, all of them paid minimum wage and regularly tested for the virus.

Coronavirus Nepal
A volunteer sticks an order slip on the wall of the kitchen (Niranjan Shrestha/AP)

Families, friends and neighbours have donated food, money and supplies.

Mr Bhadel and Mr Newar have paid the rent for three months.

“We are hopeful the situation will get better in three months,” Mr Bhadel said, “but if that does not happen, we will continue our work.”

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